My Lost Experience

Anotações e especulações sobre Lost e The Lost Experience. Esta não é uma zona livre de spoilers.


McIntyre responde a este blog

Eu disse que ia mandar um e-mail pro McIntyre, não disse? Tó:

Dear Mr. McIntyre,

I'm a brazilian journalist -- well, a very concerned brazilian journalist. Although the newspaper from here are talking a lot about this terrible book called Bad Twin, I can't see our newspapers and TV broadcasters interested in the Hanso Foundation's version. I've been told you published an ad at USA papers, but I can't believe you will let Mr. Troup -- and even the Hyperion Books -- tell their "real version" of the storie alone.

So I'm here to ask you for a interview. It would be great for me -- I guess most importante newspapers and magazines would be interested. And it would be good for you to stop these unfair monopoly of information.

In case of you getting interested, I'm already sending the question. If you can, please, answer them as soon as possible.

1. The Hanso Foundation has been attacked severily in the last few days by the book Bad Twin. Has Gary Troup tried to contact you before releasing it?

2. Bad Twin publisher, Hyperion, is connected with a major media company. Doesn't it make more difficult to be heard by other vehicles?

3. Do you think the recent attempt to hack your website is connected with the book release?

4. Can you tell us the Hanso Foundation's version of the story?

5. Does Hanso Foundation plan to bring it's huge knowledge to Brazil somehow?

Thank you,


E a resposta dele chegou:

Dear Mr. Nasi,

Thank you for your kind e-mail. Brazil is a marvelous country and we at the Hanso Foundation are grateful for your unwavering support. Unfortunately, we cannot answer your questions, however, we steadfastly maintain our defense against the malicious untruths in Mr. Troup's book and urge you to ignore them completely.


Hugh McIntyre

Have fun.


Anonymous Anônimo said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.

4:33 PM  

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